• 22. 03. 2024
  • 16:00 - 22:00 h
  • Hinterglemm
  • Sports
  • Winter
  • Party

Bib-Draw WORLDCUP FINALS 2024 Saalbach

Be up close and personal at the Bib draw for your World Cup star! 



  • from 16:00 h | Sound at the stage | Centre of Hinterglemm
  • 19:15 h | Bib draw Women DOWNHILL for 23.03.
  • until 22:00 h | Worldcup-Party with Ö3-DJ Fabian Meinschad


Free entrance!

*Subject to change

Startnummernauslosung | © Daniel Roos / Saalbach.com
Skiweltcup Saalbach 2020 | © Daniel Roos
Weltcup Party | © Daniel Roos / Saalbach.com
Weltcupstars hautnah | © Daniel Roos / Saalbach.com

Bib-Draw WORLDCUP FINALS 2024 Saalbach

Dorfstraße 150, 5754 Hinterglemm